Optimizing your website for search is important for many website owners. After all, your website is considered one of the most important marketing tools your business owns in the online world. Having your website come up at the top of search results for your service, product, organization or ideas is an important goal for most search marketing plans. With SIMS, we give you all the tools you need to optimize individual pages for the keywords and phrases that matter the most to you.

On this page, discover a collection of tips to take control of optimizing your website for search engines!

Optimize Your Page's Meta Details

Meta Details are lines of code on a webpage that search bots can read and relay to search engines. In general, they are invisible to you and your website's visitors, but are still important items to consider and can affect how your website appears in search results.

As a SIMS users, you can modify the Meta Description and Keywords field on any page.

Depending on your industry or purpose, you might consider including additional meta information on your pages. In this case, it might be automated though one of our Modules, or can be added through custom development. Contact our support team for more information.

Make Content Accessible

Making an effort to ensure your website is accessible helps everyone, including search bots to index your content! Learn about how you can make your content accessible with SIMS.

The Dos and Don'ts of Optimizing a Webpage for SEO


  • Have a plan for adding content within your organization; ie) trained content management.
  • Write naturally. Consider a natural flow and create content that is easy to read!
  • Optimize Images and embedded media as well, via alt descriptions and file names.
  • Always keep the topics you want to rank for in mind when adding in new pages to see if they can be included in a natural flow.
  • Regularly keep track of your page's search rankings and continuing optimization efforts.


  • Copy & Paste content into your website without optimization efforts.
  • Exclusively use images to relay important information. For example, infographics or posters without text descriptions, images or scans of important documents.
  • Set it and forget it. Things change, and a good SEO plan is always ongoing.
  • Write for bots. Stuffing keywords or phrases into content.

Collect Search Engine Stats, Receive SEO Reports with the Live Stats Module

If you are looking to collect important search related data such as current page ranking, what pages visitors are landing on, how long they are staying on each page, and more, consider purchasing the optional Live Stats Module. Live stats allows you to view and keep track of hits, visits and other valuable information regarding your website's traffic. Contact our support team to learn more; email support-sims@sencia.ca or call 807-768-6603.

Additional Resources